Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Our first ultrasound

We went to the Dr. on 12-2-2011 (7weeks,4days) along.  We had an ultrasound right away and as soon as I seen a picture on the monitor I though "OMGoodness...that looks like two sacs" but I didnt say anything because I didnt see anything (a baby) inside the sacs and just thought maybe that was something else she was looking at.  Then we seen the baby and she said "baby looks great and heart rate is 158" I immediately though GIRL because Kenley's heart rate was 156 when I was 10 weeks pregnant with her.  I was a little upset because I want a boy so bad...and my husband seems to think he cant produce boys, lol.  After that the tech kept looking around and then said "oh, there is two babies in there".  I could not believe what she just said.  I said "WHAT??"...she said yep baby number two looks good and the heart rate was 145.  I about died.  I didnt know what to think about it and thought...how am I going to do this!  I had all the emotions in the world.  I didnt know to cry or laugh.  It was such a shock to my husband and I both.  I asked my husband what he done to me and if he was mad, upset, happy or sad...and his reaction was "Im happy but...lol". I then told him my tubes are for sure getting tied.  We didnt know how we was going to manage this.  I done had it planned that I was going to watch what I eat and walk with this pregnancy because I didnt with my first pregnancy and thought...well forget that.  Ill be as fat as a cow.  We ended up just talking to the Dr. after the ultrasound and she was just going over "twin pregnancy".  They didnt do any blood work or anything because I think they though the shock we had for the day was enough. So I sent a picture to my mom's phone of the 2 sacs and she said she didnt see anything.  I told her it was 2 sacs, 2 babies...TWINS and she replied back telling me not to mess with her that was not funny.  I told her I was dead serious.  She cried all morning long full of joy.  We called our family on the way home to share the shocked news and nobody believed us.  Everyone seemed more excited then me but it's growing on me.  I go back to the Dr. the first week in January and Ill be 12 weeks...more to come then.

 2 sacs, 2 babies....fraternal twins
Baby A heart rate 158 7weeks 4 days
Baby B heart rate 145 7 weeks 5 days

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