Tuesday, December 13, 2011

9 weeks

So I started into my 9th week pregnancy with the twins yesterday and still feeling a little nauseous every now and then and did I mention always hungry!  I'm so dreading to see this belly get big!  My back is hurting today and it scares me because my sciatic nerve absolutely killed me when I was pregnant with my daughter and now that I have two babies in there I feel its going to be twice as painful.  The chiropractor was my best friend when I was pregnant with Kenley.  Geez, I just pray this back pain will be over tomorrow (awful early for back pain now). My hormones are all out of wack and hopefully after this first trimester I will be a different person and have more energy.  Yay, only a few more weeks to go in the first trimester.

Continue to pray for me and the 2 precious babies growing inside me.  Its a blessing what God can do...

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