Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Finding out we we're pregnant

Our daughter is three now so my husband and I decided it was time to try for another child and this would be our last pregnancy and our family would be complete.  I had the mirena and had it taken out and started trying for baby number two soon after.  With out daughter, Kenley..it only took us one cycle to conceive her but coming off the mirena it took us 4 months to conceive our second child.  I was 3 days from having my period to start and my husband was going out of town to work all week so I decided to take a test before we went out on the road.  I took the test and it was quickly turning colors and I ran out of the room and told him to go read it.  He's reply was "haha, thats definitely a positive".  We were both filled with excitement and of course I wanted to tell "someone" the good news.  We waited until the next day and went and told our families....well, our daughter told everyone she was going to be a big sister.  :)

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