Friday, January 6, 2012

12 week checkup

So we went in for our second Dr. visit at 12 weeks and 2 days.  I have to admit I was a bit scared that something may be wrong and the babies wasn't growing or something. My Dr. had told me at my first Dr. visit that I would be showing when I came back for my second visit and I really wasn't showing...well I didnt think so anyway!  I went in and had only gained a pound.  I was proud of myself for only gaining a pound in the first trimester with twins considering I had gained a lot more then that with my daughter BUT with my daughter I ate anything and everything I could get my hands on and with this pregnancy I have really watched what I eat...I eat a lot more fruit with this pregnancy.  Im pretty proud of myself must I say but Im sure I will put the weight on in my second trimester.  Well I just really wanted to hear the heartbeats and know the babies was OK!  I ended up having the NT scan and by the tech she said the fluid was thin which was a good sign.  I will get my results in a week!  Everything looked great and babies were bouncing everywhere. Its such a relief just to heart those sweet heartbeats!! 
 Look at the kissy it!

 Baby A ~ heart rate was 165 


 I love this smile :)

I now have a sinus infection or a cold which I cant take anything for and it kills me!  I hope this goes away soon!!